What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis refers to an altered psychological state that is characterised by certain psychological features, for example, slowed breath rate, reduced blood pressure and relaxed muscles. It is linked to enhanced receptivity to suggestions and by a heightened access to unconscious feelings, ideas and memories.

During hypnotic trance your mind and body become entirely peaceful, focused and comfortable. You’re not asleep or unconscious and you’re aware of what is being said to you. This state of awareness is similar to the one when you’re fully engrossed in reading a book, watching a movie and listening to the music.

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is using the state of hypnosis to treat emotional and psychological conditions and undesirable habits. When you’re hypnotised the conscious part of your mind is subdued letting the hypnotherapist talk to your subconscious mind. The hypnotherapist, then, can use constructive suggestions to reframe your deep-rooted habits (e.g. critical thinking about yourself), learnings (e.g. negative self-concept) and behaviours  (e.g. overeating, smoking etc) so that beneficial corrections and positive changes can be made.

Hypnotherapy aspires to assist people in finding alternatives to their current unsatisfactory ways of thinking, feeling or behaving. It can help you become more accepting of yourself and others, more confident and it can be very useful in promoting personal development and unlocking inner potential.

Hypnotherapy is also use for successful treatment for variety of health issues, including stress, traumas, anxiety, phobias, depression, insomnia, chronic pain, skin conditions, negative aspects of cancer treatment. Hypnotherapy is recognised in Paediatrics where it is utilised to teach children with attention deficit or hyperactivity to relax and focus.

Hypnotherapy has been approved for use by the British Medical Association since 1955 and is also recognised by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE). It has also been developed into a science and there is a section devoted to medical hypnosis at the Royal Society of Medicine in London.

What is a difference between a natural and a hypnotic trance?

A natural trance appears when you daydream and when you are engaged in your internal thoughts so that you shut yourself to what’s happening in the outside world.

A hypnotic trance is deliberately induced and allows your subconscious mid to listen to suggestions given by the hypnotherapist so that  negative thought and behaviour patterns can be modified.

What usually happens in a hypnotherapy session?

At the initial consultation we will discuss what you would like to achieve through hypnotherapy. We will then ask you questions in order to assess your problems and we will take details of your history connected with the issue. We will also explain how hypnotherapy works and give you a chance to experience hypnotic trance.

At the subsequent sessions we will discus  your progress and talk about areas that still need to be improved. With each subsequent session we will work together to continually move you towards your goal.

During each session you will have an opportunity to ask questions or express any concerns.

Can I act against my will or will I reveal secrets?

No, you are always in control during a hypnotherapy session. You won’t conform to suggestions that don’t agree with your moral and value system and you can’t be made to do something that you wouldn’t normally do. Also, , if there’s something that you prefer to keep private, then that is your choice.

Can I get stuck in a trance?

No, you will never stay in a trance. Generally, you can open your eyes at any time during the session and end the hypnotic state if you wish. Sometimes, though, you may feel so relaxed that you will drift into normal sleep.

How many sessions will i need?

It is difficult to predict exactly how many sessions you may need as it depends on complexity of your symptoms and behaviours. On average, it takes 3-6 sessions to tackle most problems, however it may take more or fewer sessions.

Do you offer guarantees?

As an ethical therapist I will always have your best interest at heart and I’ll make the best use of my knowledge and skills to assist you. However, no doctor or alternative practitioner can ever guarantee a complete cure since treatment’s outcome differs on the individual and the symptoms involved.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

As a general rule, anyone who wishes to can be hypnotised. Nobody can be hypnotised against their will. It is important to have a comfortable and trusting relationship with your therapist. Contrary to popular belief that only weak minded can be hypnotised the truth is quite opposite. The best hypnotic subjects are people of average or above average intelligence, who are capable of concentrating and those who have vivid imaginations. 

Will I be asleep?

No. Although many hypnotherapist use the word sleep, it is not sleep in the exact sense of the word. You can talk, move or laugh. You are in control and know what is happening around you and what is being said to you. You give impression of being asleep because your body is totally relaxed but ‘hypnotic sleep’ bears no resemblance to normal sleep.

Will you be in control of my mind?

No, this is a common misconception. Hypnotherapy is about you having more control over your own mind. Everything said to you under hypnosis aims to benefit you if you don’t agree with some suggestion your mind will just reject it.

What’s the difference between stage hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

Stage hypnotists use hypnosis for amusement in a show. They use subliminal messages through the show to ‘prime’ most suggestible individuals who respond to the suggestions once on stage. Stage hypnotists use some of the techniques that hypnotherapist will use, for instance, trance and visualisations but that is whee the similarity ends. Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis to positively help bring about change for a client in therapeutic setting.

What about my doctor and medication?

Hypnotherapy can be a complementary treatment to any medication. You ought to continue to take your doctor’s advice and prescribed medication, telling both your hypnotherapist and doctor about these treatments.